Grede Foundries has filed 10 first day motions (3 procedural and 7 substantive). The 7 substantive motions are listed below. The one of special interest is item 6, which deals authorization of Grede to enter into accomodation agreements with customers. The presence of these agreements in an automotive supplier bankruptcy is a pretty good indication that there was a major supply disruption risk.
Grede has filed a 503(b)(9) procedural motion (which was not filed as a motion to be heard at the first day hearing) that seeks to preclude suppliers from filing 503(b)(9) motions and only permit the use of the general claims procedure. This motion affords suppliers no substantive relief in terms of accelerated payment of 503(b)(9) claims. The motion is actually anti-supplier. It seeks to postpone and procedurally restrict the exercise by suppliers of their rights under 503(b)(9).