Cadence Innovation LLC (the “Debtor”) is continuing to try and settle potential bankruptcy preference claims against vendors who received payments from the Debtor during the ninety (90) day period prior to the petition pate (the “Transfers). On August 28, 2009, the Debtor filed a motion for approval of its second round of bankruptcy avoidance action settlements. This round, like the first round discussed in an earlier post, demonstrates that the Debtor continues to attribute value to the 503(b)(9) administrative expense claims as well as the general unsecured claims. However, unlike the first round, several vendors in this round of settlements are making payments to the Debtors to settle the avoidance claims. Some of these payments are substantial.
Cadence Innovation Bankruptcy Preference Actions
Posts discussing various aspects of the bankruptcy preference collections in the Cadence Innovation bankruptcy
Bankruptcy Preference Claims will Pay the Bills in Cadence Innovation Bankruptcy
Looking at the Cadence Innovation November 30, 2008 balance sheet, you would see total assets of $88 million. The December 31, 2008 balance sheet shows total assets of only $6.5 million. What happened?
Cadence Innovation LLC – Decision to Liquidate Means Preference Claims are Coming
Original Post 12/28/2008; See Updates At End of this Post
For a supplier confronted with a customer bankruptcy, nothing changes bad to worse like the failure of the customer to successfully reorganize. This means that a filing under Chapter 11, which creates the possibility that the customer will continue operations, now becomes a liquidation under Chapter 7. Worse still, the supplier who has received payments on open account during the bankruptcy preference period will likely face a bankruptcy preference claim and faces the real prospect of receiving a demand for repayment of those amounts.