Alfred H. Siegel, as Trustee of the Circuit City Stores, Inc. Liquidating Trust filed 565 adversary proceedings for the recovery of bankruptcy preferences between November 5 and November 10, 2010 in the Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Virginia. The complaints are unremarkable with one notable exception. The complaints include the following:
Plaintiff acknowledges that some of the Preferential Transfers might be subject to defenses under Bankruptcy Code section 547(c), for which the Defendant bears the burden of proof under Section 547(g). Plaintiff will work with Defendant to exchange applicable information in an effort to resolve any and all factual issues with respect to potential defenses.
Below is a summary of the adversary proceedings. An adversary proceeding report (APScan) of the adversary proceedings can be reviewed by clicking this link.
Adversary Proceedings Overview
Lead Bankruptcy Case Name (Case Number): In re Circuit City Stores, Inc. (08-35653)
Petition Date: November 10, 2008
Filed in: United States Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Virginia
Associated Cases: The Associated Debtors are: Abbott Advertising Agency, Inc. (08-35665); CC Aviation, LLC (08-35658); CC Distribution Company of Virginia, Inc. (08-35659); Circuit City Properties, LLC (08-35661); Circuit City Purchasing Company, LLC (08-35657); Circuit City Stores PR, LLC (08-35660); Circuit City Stores West Coast, Inc. (08-35654); Circuit City Stores, Inc. (08-35653); Courchevel, LLC (08-35664); InterTAN, Inc. (08-35655); Kinzer Technology, LLC (08-35663); Mayland MN, LLC (08-35666); Orbyx Electronics, LLC (08-35662); Patapsco Designs, Inc. (08-35667); PRAHS, INC. (08-35670); Sky Venture Corp. (08-35668); Ventoux International, Inc. (08-35656); XSStuff, LLC (08-35669)
Plaintiff: Alfred H. Siegel, as Trustee of the Circuit City Stores, Inc. Liquidating Trust
Number of Proceedings: 565
When Filed: Period starting November 5 and ending November 10, 2010
Adversary Proceeding Judge: Kevin R. Huennekens
Plaintiff’s Counsel: Tavenner & Beran, PLC (Richmond, Virginia) through its attorneys Lynn L. Tavenner and Paula S. Beran; Kelley Drye & Warren LLP (New York, New York) through its attorneys James S. Carr, Nicholas J. Panarella, Martin Krolewski and Kristin S. Elliott
Preference Period: The complaint does not identify the preference period by dates.